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[12月8日開催]Russia-Japan Workshop on Advanced Materials

Russia-Japan Workshop on Advanced Materials

MRC International Symposium, MRC2016

The 65th Meeting of Kyushu Magnesium Network

The 2nd International Workshop on Green Materials


日 時:   2016年12月8日(木)9:00 – 16:30

場 所:   メルパルク京都  京都府京都市下京区東洞院通七条下ル東塩小路町676番13

参加費:   無料  (参加登録が必要です。)

定 員:  60名






9:00-9:10                            Opening remarks (Prof. Y. Kawamura)


Session 1 / Chair person: Prof. E. Abe

9:10-9:35                            Lecture 1: A. Vinogradov

9:35-10:00            Lecture 2: K. Hagihara

10:00-10:25          Lecture 3: E. Vasilev


10:25-10:45          Coffee Break


Session 2 / Chair person: Prof. A. Vinogradov

10:45-11:10           Lecture 4: E. Abe

11:10-11:35           Lecture 5: S. Dobatkin

11:35-12:00           Lecture 6: D. Okumura


12:00-13:30          Lunch


Session 3 / Chair person: Prof. M. Enoki

13:30-13:55          Lecture 7: A. Romanov

13:55-14:20          Lecture 8: R. Matsumoto

14:20-14:45          Lecture 9: A. Kolesnikova


14:45-15:05          Coffee Break


Session 4 / Chair person: Prof. A. Romanov

15:05-15:30          Lecture 10: M. Enoki

15:30-15:55          Lecture 11: M. Markushev

15:55-16:20          Lecture 12: K. Inoue


16:20-16:30          Closing remarks (Prof. A. Vinogradov)





A phenomenological approach to modelling of twining kinetics and work hardening in

Mg alloys

  1. Vinogradov, E. Agletdinov, E. Vasilev, Y. Estrin ····································· 1


Experimental and computational approaches for the understanding of the nature of

deformation band formed in materials with hexagonal crystal structures including the

LPSO phase

  1. Hagihara, T. Mayama, M. Yamasaki, T. Ohashi, Y. Kawamura, T. Nakano ······ 2


Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys for biomedical application

  1. Vasilev, M. Linderov, A. Vinogradov ·················································· 3


Fascinating LPSO-structured Mg alloys

  1. Abe ························································································· 4


Structure, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility of ultrafine-grained magnesium

alloy WE43 with different severe plastic deformation histories

S.V. Dobatkin, E.A. Lukyanova, N.S. Martynenko, Y. Estrin·························· 5


Swelling-induced pattern transformation in porous gel films

  1. Okumura, A. Kasugai ···································································· 6


Processing and Internal Structure of Disclinated Microcrystals

A.A. Vikarchuk, M.N. Dorogov, A.N. Priezzheva, I.S. Yasnikov, L.M. Dorogin, A.L.

Kolesnikova, E.C. Aifantis, A.E. Romanov ·············································· 7


Atomistic Study of Hydrogen Effects on Various Lattice Defects in Alpha Iron

  1. Matsumoto, S. Taketomi ································································ 8


Defects in 3D and 2D Crystals: Classification, Elastic Fields and Energies

A.L. Kolesnikova, A.E. Romanov ························································· 9


Comparison of AE behaviors due to deformation and fracture in commercial Mg alloys

and LPSO-Mg alloys

Manabu Enoki1 ·············································································· 10


Structure, Texture and Tensile Strength of Severely Deformed Magnesium Alloy

  1. Markushev, D. Nugmanov, O. Sitdikov ·············································· 11


Structure of Grain Boundaries in Ceramic Materials from Mathematical Perspective

  1. Inoue, B. Feng, N. Shibata, M. Kotani, Y. Ikuhara ·································· 12